Saturday, April 16, 2011

Egg Rolls

Tonight for dinner....Egg rolls!
They were awesome, and the best part is they're actually pretty cheap to make!
Here's how much it cost me to make 22 Egg rolls and a pot of rice to go with.

Egg Roll Wraps= $1.99
Cabbage = $.15
(I did like 4 cups probably rather than 2, so half a head of cabbage and the whole head only cost me $.30 )
Carrots= $.30
1 Chicken Breast=$1.00 (Frozen bag with 10 chicken breasts in it...cost me $10.00)
(I used chicken instead of worked out great actually!)
Pot of Rice= $.14 (We buy rice in 20 lb bags for $6.99. There are 50 cups of rice in the bag, we used 1/50th of $7 is $.14)
Soy Sauce= $.20 (between using it on rice and in the mixture that goes in the egg rolls....that's probably a good estimate)
Plus, maybe throw in maybe $.10 cents for spices and a a few pieces of minced garlic (the pre-minced kind that comes in jars) and maybe another $.10 for the olive oil
Green onions I got a bundle for $.33 cents yesterday, and I only used 3 out of like 10 that were in the bunch so there's a whole  $.11 cents more.

 Grand Total:  22 Egg rolls and a pot of rice= $4.23
Now...Ben ate 5 egg rolls and rice, I had 3 and rice so on average we used 4 rolls per meal.  So basically out of our $4.23 we'll get 5 meals.  (we'll have to make more rice though....DARN...throw in another $.13)

So.....that's just under a dollar a meal! AWESOME. Cooking is so cheap! Seriously, would you rather have a box of pasta roni  for $1.00, or cook something and have a nice plate of egg rolls and rice for the same price?? DUH! This is why I love cooking now :) )
 You KNOW this looks yummier than pasta roni......

 (this is just the first pan...the overflow went on another pan)

I just got the recipe from the back of the egg roll wrap package. Here it is!

(NOTE....we skipped the bean sprouts because we didn't have any and it didn't seem worth it to go get them and we used soy instead of oyster because we think oyster sauce is YUCKY. )
(ANOTHER NOTE....we tried baking them instead of frying them. We figured it would be worth it to try it because they are SO much healthier! Of course, they are better fried, but the baked version actually turned out to be really good too.) 

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