Thursday, June 9, 2011

Dutch Babies

Dutch babies (otherwise known as german pancakes) are one of my favorite breakfast items! Just make them, cut them into 6 pieces (the 4 corner pieces are always the best :)) , and cover the pieces with powdered sugar and  syrup for a satisfying, filling breakfast!

(These ones don't look quite normal....I'm not sure what happened but they usually have more of a crust on the outside and they don't look quite so rough on the inside. These one still tasted yummy, they just looked a little different than usual)

Dutch Babies
 1/2 C butter
6 eggs
1 1/2 cups milk
1 1/2 cups flour
 Put butter in 9x13 baking dish and melt it in the oven at 425. In the mean tim, mix batter. Put eggs in blender and whirl on high for 1 minute. With motor running, gradually add milk and then flour. Whirl for 30 seconds. Pour batter into the hot baking dish over the melted butter. Bake until fluffy 20-25 min

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